Fair Fishing: Supporting Inclusive Fiscal Reform in Fisheries

Authors :
Ina Porras

This paper Fair Fishing: Supporting Inclusive Fiscal Reform in Fisheries focuses on fiscal fisheries management instruments, which governments use to influence economic decisions on government spending and raise revenue through taxation. The instruments discussed include taxes, charges and royalties, which governments use to discourage actions, as well as direct subsidies or tax breaks, which governments use to encourage decisions linked to investments and consumption. When combined with regulations, fiscal instruments can play an important role in environmental policy.

This document will help the user understand the main opportunities and challenges of fiscal instruments available for managing fisheries. It also aims to build up the argument of why it is important to reform some fiscal instruments to enable more inclusive and sustainable fisheries. A key audience is fisheries departments/agencies, particularly those interested in improving the conditions of small-scale fisheries. Small-scale fishery organizations and co-operatives will also benefit from better understanding the impacts fiscal reform will have on their activities. This will enable them to negotiate more fair deals towards more inclusive and sustainable fishing policies.

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